As we all sadly know, cons have been missing from all of our lives in 2020. However, if you’re like us, you absolutely love cosplay and cannot go without it. So, how can we keep our love of cosplay alive? Let’s take a look at a few different ideas of what we can do while we’re waiting for cons to return.
Reorganize your cosplay supplies
Perhaps one of the easiest things we can do with all this spare time is reorganize our supplies. Whether it be by color, frequency of use, or product, an organized cosplay station will let you be more creative and more efficient with your next build. Reorganizing may also let you discover old supplies you can reimagine for a new cosplay.
Start a slow cosplay build
If you’re anything like us, then you often find yourself pressed for time when preparing for the next con. (We even wrote a separate post about the “Con Crunch”.) But now, you can take your time and be really creative with your next build. Maybe even challenge yourself by using a new material you have never used before. Also, with more time than ever, you can make sure every part of your newest cosplay is just right.
Figure out how to incorporate a mask into your cosplay
When more and more cons finally come back, you still might find yourself having to wear a mask. So, it would be great to figure out fun and unique ways to incorporate masks into your cosplay. There are several ways to go about this. First, you could simply wear a COVID-19 mask underneath a larger helmet or mask. This is simple and inexpensive. But, if you feel like trying to do something a little different, you could think of a character to cosplay with an appropriate mask, or create a mask that matches your character.
Revamp old cosplays
If a completely new cosplay build sounds like too much for you, then maybe you could scratch your cosplay itch by simply revamping your older cosplays. With this time you can revisit whole builds you wish you had done better; or, you can just tweak certain elements. Whether it be material changes, paint touch-ups, or fixing broken straps, how you revamp old cosplays is completely up to you.
Even though you can’t go to cons right now, you can still get done up in your newest — or favorite — cosplay and have a photoshoot! If you have access to a green screen, you can do some really fun settings. Or, just get outside and maybe use some props. Photoshoots are just a fun way to still share your cosplays with the world. And, feel free to tag us in them. We’d love to see what you’ve been up to!